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They Are Closing The Stations With Beautiful Names

Claire Lockwood

Even now, and now again, I have it

in mind. Such care to prepare

you little thin things.


I would not have you suffer

gristle. One chew, two,

then swallow. Precious little


time remains waiting for something

better to come along. It cannot

help but impress and it will like


sudden concrete. The ice

cream van arrives. It

jingles. So very neat


conclusions are envisaged.

Just enjoy the little

things. The stumble-down


rickety fire-escape leant

against rickety house leant

against the pink


sky. Its black shambles.

I have it now –

now you see it


wrecking the horizon.

The ground beneath

its feet may never move


again. It is petrified

by the thought.

Such just cause


to hurry about. Skip

steps. Fervent on bambi-legs.

Each small fall calls out:


‘Action must be taken!’

From The Poetry Review Vol 94 No 1 (Spring 2004)