Poem of the day

Standing poem 3 (hearts standing poem)

by Ian Hamilton Finlay

25 July


by Mario Petrucci

It’s a wire

into your head

– a mouth-


piece pressed

up to the mouth

as key after


key is punched

with your heart

on your lips


so some voice

at that other

end will ask


Can I help

you? then wait

to ask again


until some-

thing gives

to make its






that when we risk

speech or dare



a line is

thrown down

that line we


call phone –

a tension strung

across un-



chasms whose

both ends


hold (hold

with hands of



the receiver


24 July


by Dennis Gould

23 July

A made-up / true story

by Sam Winston

22 July

The Night

by Lucy Chau

21 July


by Nguyen Bao Chan

20 July


by Penelope Shuttle

Tonight the Salome moon

throws off her seven cloud veils -

small, full and high in the east,

she lights her half of the sky

with soft blue and softer grey,

while in the west

Darkness touches his toes,

bows down to me or the moon.


Down on the shore,

an egret, motionless, abiding,

suddenly opens his wide wings,

flies moonwards,

white as the fleece

from which Gideon wrung a bowl of dew,

white as the robe slipping

from the shoulders of Bathsheba.