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What is an #Instapoet?

Instagram poetry is one of the latest social media crazes and it has already made an unprecedented impact on the poetry scene. Some of the most successful instapoets have millions of dedicated followers, multiple-book deals and a cult-like status. We've even added it as a genre to our catalogue and curated the world's first exhibition dedicated to the art form. The works were chosen from over 1,000 submissions posted on Instagram following an open call.

We strongly recommend you come along and see it to understand what it's all about (details are below). But if you're not yet persuaded then do have a listen to our podcast where library staff Jess Atkinson and Chris McCabe explain instapoets and Instagram poetry. In it, they talk about the form and choose some of their favourite examples.

You can also check out the hashtag on Instagram to discover more posts


What is an Instapoet? by Southbank Centre: Think Aloud

visit info

The Instagram Poetry exhibition runs at the National Poetry Library until Sunday 1 July. It is open daily except Mondays and entry is free.