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Welcome to the new National Poetry Library website

Welcome to the new National Poetry Library website, we hope you like it!  

So what's different? Our journey started back in summer 2017 when we invited some existing users and people new to the library and website in to meet us and tell us their ideas about how we could improve the site.

There was a resounding consensus...

We'd like to see more poetry on the site please
Website focus group attendees

Poetry front & centre

We’ve put poetry front and centre of the new website. We’ll be selecting some of the most inspiring text, image, audio and video poems we can find to display in our new homepage ‘Poem a day’ feature. On other days a randomised poem will be selected from our collection to surprise and delight.
Explore Poem a day

The all new website - scroll left and right to explore featured poems

You can see an archive of all these poems in one place as well as use the filters on the left to refine your selection. If you scroll to the bottom of any poem page you’ll see other similar poems that you might enjoy too.
Browse online poems

Menus, signposting & resources

You can find our new menus at the top left of the site - expand this to get to all the key sections of the site. You'll also find some key pages linked in the footer. 

Poetry Library main menu

Image Credit: 
Click the icon top left to open the main menu

In the new Write & Publish section you’ll find useful advice and resources including listings of poetry publishers and poetry magazines which can all be filtered alphabetically or by type.
Write & Publish


We know that searching for things is important to our users so we’ve also improved the site search and made it possible for you to search our catalogue and our ebooks via the main site search - you'll be directed to view your results in the catalogue and our ebooks websites.  

Competitions & Events listings

We've also spruced up our Competitions and Events listings sections with helpful new filters and you can still submit your own competitions and events by filling out the online forms on these pages.
Events and exhibitions

The old website seems a very distant memory!

Mobile responsive

You'll notice the new website is fully responsive so no matter whether you are viewing it on a large desktop computer or a small mobile phone screen it will automatically resize to give you the best possible experience.

Poetry Magazines website

A version of the site is still available for you to use as a resource but we won't be making any further updates to the content. If you have a request for the site please get in touch.

Contact us

Your feedback is important to us

We'll continue to add new features and refine the website over the coming months. If you have any feedback or questions about the new website, get in touch using out contact form.
Get in touch