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Young Poets Network Poetry in Translation Workshop

Have you ever translated a poem?

This summer, The Poetry Society’s Young Poets Network has teamed up with Modern Poetry in Translation to challenge young writers worldwide to try their hand at translating poetry. 

As part of this partnership they are offering writers aged 14-25 a free poetry translation workshop with Clare Pollard, editor of MPT. Paticipants will work together to create a group translation of a poem by Hungarian poet Anna Szabó, guided by Clare.

Absolutely no experience of translation or knowledge of other languages is necessary as participants will be working from a ‘bridge’ English translation. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in translation, language(s), and poetry generally to gain some hands-on experience translating poetry.

Spaces will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Dates and times
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm | Wed 14 Aug 2019
The Poetry Café
22 Betterton Street