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A talk event with audience at Southbank Centre

Find Your Poetry Day - Ages 11-17

Join The Poetry Society at the National Poetry Library for a range of exciting activities, including interactive workshops with professional poets where you get to write, explore rap and rhyme, and get inspired by everything from nature to queer poetry.

There are also readings, including Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award-winners, and library tours. You can even sign up to join the library – it’s free and members of our team are on hand to assist.

The Poetry Society is also here to help you to submit to the Foyle Award, where you could be our next winner and receive lots of exciting prizes, from books to writing retreats and mentoring.

Presented in partnership with The Poetry Society

This event is free, but you need to register.

Dates and times
11:00 am to 4:00 pm | Sun 10 Jul 2022
The Clore Ballroom
Level 2, Royal Festival Hall
Belvedere Road